I have been searching for the perfect messenger style bag for college.
For the past couple of years I have gone through 3 different bags for my books and none of them worked well. I stumbled upon GetReadySetGO's Etsy store and I am having her custom make me a bag. I love the whole concept of her business. She buys vintage luggage and carry on pieces and then upcycles them will awesome graphics and fonts. I cannot wait to see my finished bag. I will definitely post pictures when it arrives! Be sure to check her store out, she's always open for custom orders.
For the past couple of years I have gone through 3 different bags for my books and none of them worked well. I stumbled upon GetReadySetGO's Etsy store and I am having her custom make me a bag. I love the whole concept of her business. She buys vintage luggage and carry on pieces and then upcycles them will awesome graphics and fonts. I cannot wait to see my finished bag. I will definitely post pictures when it arrives! Be sure to check her store out, she's always open for custom orders.

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